23 Oktyabr 2024, Çərşənbə - 15:13

B I O G R A P H Y-Dr.Tanzila Rustamkhanli

Dr.Tanzila Rustamkhanli was born in Amasya, in the province of West Azerbaijan on November 28, 1960. She graduated the Baku branch of the Moscow Cooperative Institute, while working in “Azerunion”. She is a highly educated economist. Tanzila Rustamkhanli was elected chair of the Turkish-Azerbaijan Women’s Association in May 3, 1984. She is also head of the Azerbaijan Turkish Cultural Association since May 10, 2013. Received the doctoral degree in philology from Baku State University in 2012. Organizer and participator of a number of international conferences. She is also councilor of the Chairman of World Azerbaijanis Congress on Turkic World. Board member of the “Against the Armenian Genocide” federation of Turkey.

Tanzila Rustamkhanli has received the following honors, awards, and recognition:
• “Woman of the Year Award”, 2001
• “Patriot of the Year Award”, 2002
• “Award for Best Public Union”,2003
• “The Public Union of the Year Award”, 2003
• Awarded with the Prizes of Turkish World Research Foundation for services to Turkic world for 6 different times.
• Winner of the “Azerbaijan Famous Intellectuals” and “Azerbaijan Famous Women” international project,2003
• “ Well-known intellectual of XXI century”,2004
• “Maiden Tower National Award” for services in public relations development of Azerbaijan-Turkey,2006.
• “Gold Buta National Award” for propagation of Turkism.
• “Summit 2005 Award” by Channel 7,2006
• “Award of Kirkuk Turkmen”,2007
• Diploma for the struggle of Turkism protection in Azerbaijan” by PressPost Information Agency.
• Award for the activity in expanding the Turkic World Youth relations by municipality in Kastamonu Province,2007
• “Award for the struggle of Khodjali Genocide” by Yalova Society for the Struggle of Unfounded Armenian appeals ,2008
• Award for by International interracial unity for services in public relations development in Europe,2009
• Award by Eurasian Journalists Society,2010
• “Maiden Tower National Award” for services in public relations development of Azerbaijan-Turkey,2010
• Award by the municipality of Sparta,2010
• Award by the Struggle of Unfounded Armenian appeals ,2011
• Award for “Khojaly genocide”massacre by MHB Sultanbayli ,2012
• “Ataturk and Turkic Nation Award” by Türk Egitim Sen,2013
• “Honor Award named after Turan Yazqan” by the Dr.Eyyup Aktepe ,dean Turkish World Economy Faculty,2013
• “Service for Turkic World Award” by “Silkway Journal and Silkway Strategic Research Center,201

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