24 Yanvar 2025, Cümə - 06:19

The Council discussed problems of communicating the Nagorno-Karabakh realities to the world community

Today the Council of State Support to NGOs under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan organized a round table devoted to informing international community on the realities of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The event opened with a minute of silence in memory of the day of occupation of Lachin district and those killed during the defence.
Opening the round table, Chairperson of the Council Azay Guliyev informed the participants about the activities of the Council and NGO projects targeting communicating Karabakh realities to the world community and noted that the event was thus aimed at consultation over the problem. Azay Guliyev mentioned that 46 projects funded by the Council directly concerned the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and for their implementation more that 400 000 AZN was spent from the state budget.
Then Azay Guliyev invited the experts to have an exchange of opinion over the following issues as the themes of discussion:

Effectiveness of implemented projects concerning the Karabakh conflict and realities;
Lack of coordination among NGOs and other institutions working on the issues;
Role of NGOs in defending people affected by the Karabakh war in the international courts;
NGOs critique of “elections in fictitious NKR to be run on 23 May 2010.

Participating as experts of the themes in the round table, Member of the Parliament and Chairwoman of “Leader Women Public Union Malahat Ibrahimli, Chairman of Journalist Union of Azerbaijan Elchin Sikhli, Chairwoman of Azeri-Turk Women Union Tanzila Rustamkhanli, Chairman of the Azerbaijani Community of the Nagorno Karabakh Bayram Safarov, Member of the Parliament Jamil Hasanli, Chairman of “Inam Center for Pluralism Vahid Gazi, President of the International Eurasian Press Fund Umud Rahimoglu, Chairman of Committee for Democracy and Human Rights Chingiz Ganizadeh, President of the National NGO Forum Rauf Zeyni, Director of “For Civil Society Independent Consultation and Assistance Center Eldar Ismayilov and others have expressed their opinion on building sophisticated system of informing world public about realities of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
Then they achieved an agreement to resume all suggestions into a package for future activities.

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